Increase potency as a man, how to improve your potency
In this post, you will learn what can lead to erection problems in men and also what you can do if you want to eliminate potency problems.
Things that can lead to potency problems
There are some things that can be the cause of problems with potency in men. These include:
- Unhealthy diet
- Little exercise
- Psychological problems or stress
- Medication or drugs
- Wrong condom size
- Other unhealthy habits
How your diet affects your potency
Diet plays a huge role in our health, well-being, and just as importantly, your potency. Highly processed, sugary and fatty foods in moderation are ok. But if you eat these foods frequently or in large quantities, they can harm your body.
Obesity, high blood fat levels, diabetes mellitus or arteriosclerosis can be the result. These diseases can then also harm your potency and lead to erectile dysfunction.
These foods are supposed to increase your potency
If you want to improve your potency, you should eat a balanced and healthy diet. Go for fresh foods that are as little processed as possible.
Fruits and vegetables, such as blackberries, apples, citrus fruits, tomatoes or asparagus, as well as nuts, whole grain products, fish and potatoes are particularly recommended for a complete diet.
The following foods are said to be particularly potency-enhancing and erection-prolonging. are:
Oysters are rich in zinc. Zinc is said to stimulate testosterone production and can thus boost libido (desire for sex).
Garlic because it affects blood flow and muscle relaxation, which can affect erectile function. Longer, firmer erections may be a result.
Ginseng contains ginsenosides, which are thought to release the body's own testosterone. Testosterone can be potency and pleasure enhancing.
Watermelon contains L-citrulline, which has been shown to stimulate blood flow and thus improve erections.
The potassium it contains can dilate blood vessels, lower blood pressure, and is said to be able to improve potency.
Pumpkin seeds
The high L-arginine value of pumpkin seeds is said to provide up to 20% better athletic performance and also improve erections.
Maca Root
Maca root has been positively tested in studies for its aphrodisiac effects and is also used in traditional naturopathy for libido deficiency and potency disorders.
The dark meat of turkey can contain up to 300mg of taurine. Taurine is said to support athletic endurance as well as cardiovascular functions, which can also lead to stronger potency.
Dietary supplements to increase potency
If you want to do even more than eat healthy, exercise regularly and reduce stress, you can try dietary supplements. They can be a useful supplement.
In any case, you should make sure to use high-quality food supplements, where possible in organic quality and made in Germany. Since the quality requirements for German products are very high.
Our MISTER SIZE Supplement For Active Men is produced in Germany and contains valuable ingredients such as Maca, Taurine, Zinc Citrate, L-Citrulline and L-Arginine, in a well-matched dosage.
Here you can learn more about it
How sport can help your potency
Sports should also become an integral part of your life if you want to sustainably increase your virility.
Especially endurance sports like jogging, walking, cycling, rowing, swimming, etc. or weight training can help to improve blood circulation and general fitness. They also help reduce stress and promote mental performance.
In addition, you can also exercise your pelvic floor muscles to get stronger orgasms and be able to hold an erection longer.
A simple exercise for this is to tense and relax the PC muscle. Tense the muscle, keep it tensed for 3 to 10 seconds and relax it again. Repeat this 10 times in a row. Then take a short break and repeat 2 to 3 more times.
Other potency killers you should know about
In addition to poor nutrition and too little exercise, there are also psychological reasons that can harm your potency. These include stress, pressure to perform, nervousness, lack of self-confidence, or even mental illnesses such as depression or burn out.
If you are affected by one of these issues, you may be physically perfectly healthy, perhaps even taking care of your diet and exercising regularly. However, you may still have difficulty getting and keeping an erection, or have no desire in general.
Reducing stress and pressure to perform, perhaps even seeking professional help, can help....
Otherwise, other unhealthy habits such as nicotine and alcohol use can also affect potency.
Fortunately, studies have shown that erectile dysfunction in former smokers has improved over time.
If you need to take medications regularly, be sure to read the package insert carefully, because medications can also cause erectile dysfunction and loss of libido.
Does masturbation harm my potency?
In principle, masturbation has no negative effects on your potency. Rather the opposite is the case.
Regular masturbation can have many positive effects on the body as a whole as well as on erection or potency.
However, the basic requirement is that you find masturbation satisfying and beautiful and do not associate it with shame or do it out of compulsion. You should also not masturbate shortly before sex, because experience has shown that this can lead to erection problems.
Condoms cause erection problems
The consequences of the wrong condom size are often underestimated. Condoms that are too small disrupt the blood flow of the penis and reduce sensitivity.
Both together can then cause you to lose your erection faster.
That's why you should make sure to determine and use your correct condom size to avoid erectile dysfunction caused by condoms.
Treat erectile dysfunction with medication?
You should talk to a doctor about it if you change your habits and still continue to have erectile dysfunction over a longer period of time.
Of course, this also applies especially if you suspect that a disease is behind the problem.
There are now ways to treat erectile dysfunction and even impotence with medication if nothing else helps.
However, you should never resort to Viagra or other potency-enhancing drugs from the Internet, because their sale without a prescription is prohibited in Germany. Over-the-counter drugs for this purpose accordingly pose a potential danger. They should not be used without medical advice!
Conclusion on erectile dysfunction and male potency enhancement
So, in summary, we can tell you that you can noticeably improve your manhood with a healthy, balanced diet, sufficient exercise and the reduction of stress.
Abstaining from nicotine, alcohol and drugs can also help increase your potency.
If you want to increase your potency naturally through your diet, you can test how dietary supplements like the MISTER SIZE Supplement For Active Men work for you.