Condom replaces contraceptive pill as the number one contraceptive in Germany
Times are changing, even when it comes to contraception. According to a recent publication from 16.11.2023 by the Federal Centre for Health Education (BZgA ), current data from the representative repeat survey on the contraceptive behavior of adults in Germany in 2023 shows that the condom has replaced the contraceptive pill as the preferred contraceptive in Germany.
The pill is losing popularity
Use of the pill is on the decline. In 2023, only 38% of respondents still used this hormonal contraceptive, compared to 55% in 2007. The major change is reflected in the fact that the condom is now used more frequently than the pill for contraception for the first time since 2007 (53% share). This change in contraceptive behavior is based on an increasingly critical attitude towards hormonal contraceptive methods. All other contraceptive methods only play a role for a small proportion of the population.
Increasing criticism of hormonal contraception
Acceptance of hormonal contraceptive methods is decreasing. 61% of women and men believe that hormonal contraception has negative effects on their body and mind. In comparison, only 48% agreed with this statement in 2018. A general rejection of the pill or hormonal contraception is reported by 15 percent of women using contraception, compared to just 1 percent twelve years ago.
The critical attitude of young adults towards hormones is particularly striking. The proportion of pill users among 18 to 29-year-olds has fallen from 72 to 46 percent in twelve years. At the same time, 18% of this age group now use contraceptive methods such as the IUD, compared to 3% in 2011.
Focus on tolerability and reliability
The study shows that for 39% of sexually active adults, reliability and for 30% ease of use are decisive criteria when choosing a contraceptive method. Good tolerability is becoming increasingly important for 25 percent.
Costs play a role
For 19 percent of all women and men, the cost of a contraceptive is an important factor. Women (30 percent), young respondents (34 percent) and people on low incomes (39 percent) in particular confirm the relevance of costs.
Well informed thanks to various sources
Respondents feel well informed: 94% of 18 to 49-year-olds consider themselves to be "very well" or "well" informed about their contraceptives. Gynecological advice remains the most important source of information for women at 73 percent. Interestingly, websites are the most frequently cited source of information for men for the first time. We at Mister Size are also trying to make a contribution with our condom blog to provide even more and better information about contraception and condoms.
Protection against sexually transmitted diseases
As current figures unfortunately show that sexually transmitted diseases are on the rise, the increased use of condoms is a good sign to reverse this trend. Unlike the contraceptive pill, the condom provides reliable protection against sexually transmitted diseases and is therefore a readily available, reliable and inexpensive contraceptive without the side effects of hormones.
The contraceptive landscape in Germany is changing. The critical attitude towards hormonal contraceptive methods is leading to the condom replacing the pill as the number one contraceptive. Tolerability, reliability and ease of use are the focus of contraceptive choice. The ability to obtain information via the Internet is becoming increasingly important. With the right condom from Mister in your individual condom size, fun and sensation are not neglected either, so condoms are neither too tight nor slip off and you can enjoy sexual intercourse without any worries.